0-12 Month Milestones
Newborn - 2 Months
Lifts head and able to turn to both sides while on belly
Kicks both legs and moves both arms equally when on back
Performs tummy time on floor regularly
3 Months
Raises head in line with trunk when pulled to sit
Raises head ~30 degrees and turn head side to side on tummy
Holds head steady without support when holding child
Rolls from belly to back
4 Months
Reaches for knees on back
Rolls from back to belly
Able to sit with arms propped in front for support
Pushes up onto forearms when on tummy
5 Months
Starts to sit alone for short periods
Reaches for feet on back
Pushes up onto straight arms when on tummy
6-9 Months
Sits alone
Plays with toys with both hands in sitting for 5-10 mins
Catches self with loss of balance in sitting
Pivots to both sides while on their tummy
9-12 Months
Crawls on hands and knees
Pulls self to standing
Furniture walks in both directions
Squats to pick up toy while holding onto support
12-15 Months
Takes steps independently
Balances in standing independently